The Aim of Chinese Enrichment Classes

As a parent, you have many concerns when your child reaches the age to go to school. Will my child like their school? Will my child be able to cope with spending hours away from home? Some parents worry that their children will struggle to adjust, especially when learning Chinese for the first time. 

Chinese enrichment classes will help your child navigate school in multiple ways. 

Prepares Pre-schoolers for The Chinese Curriculum

Some Chinese enrichment classes target children aged three to six. During this period, children learn a few Chinese words and how to form simple sentences. Preschool prepares children for primary school, and Singapore’s Chinese enrichment class is not any different.

The kiasu culture drives most parents to enrol their children in Chinese enrichment classes. They are concerned that their children may fall behind in the Chinese lessons because they are not exposed enough to environments where they get to speak Chinese. Chinese enrichment classes give pre-schoolers a strong foundation in the language. This way, when they start learning Chinese in Primary school, it will build on what they already learned during enrichment classes. 

It Gives Parents Peace of Mind

Education in Singapore is quite competitive, and the fact that children must study at least one mother tongue language is a concern for parents whose children have never been exposed to a second language. 

Most parents do not take chances regarding their children’s education. Therefore 8 in 10 parents with kids in Primary school attend tuition. 

Chinese enrichment classes relieve parents because they are doing everything possible to help their children excel when they get to primary school. Additionally, if the child struggles with Chinese lessons in primary school, they can attend enrichment classes as the curriculum is usually closely aligned with the MOE curriculum. 

Capture The Children’s Interest in Learning Chinese

Pre-schoolers are curious about everything around them. They are eager to learn and are not afraid to make mistakes. This is one of the reasons why Chinese enrichment classes for pre-schoolers can be significantly beneficial.

The teachers attract young children to gain interest in Chinese through interactive play, storytelling, nursery rhymes, and language games. 

Boosts Awareness of The Chinese Culture

Chinese enrichment classes do much more than teach children how to speak and write Chinese. Most parents who enrol their children in these classes wish to expose their children to Chinese culture. 

This gives children an identity and a sense of belonging. When the children learn Chinese culture, they will pass it on to future generations, and the family’s roots will forever be ingrained in them. 

Chinese enrichment classes, especially those targeting very young children, consider the possibility that the child will learn their first Chinese words in this class. The teachers patiently set a foundation that will act as a bridge to the Chinese curriculum in primary schools. 

Younger children find it easier to learn languages, so the earlier parents enrol them in Chinese enrichment classes, the better. The success of these classes cannot be underestimated. If they meet their objective, the demand for Chinese enrichment classes is unlikely to fall.